The World's #1 eTextbook Reader
We live in a digital-first world-shouldn't your textbooks act like it?
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Why Students Love VitalSource Bookshelf
Global Search
Search across book content, figures, and your workbook. -
In-line Notes
Take annotations in line as you are reading.
Read Aloud
Listen up! Our text-to-speech tool works with any title, any language. -
Improve focus. Edit notes, add bookmarks, and review key concepts in a dedicated place. -
Read On-The-Go
Use on any device. Download the entire title for offline reading.
Accessibility for All
Award-winning support for assistive technologies. -
Sync Across Devices
Bookshelf saves your place and syncs your notes across all your devices. -
Custom Styles
It's your book - read it your way! Customize the display with dark mode or changing the font.
What Students Are Saying
VitalSource is a phenomenal resource for students wishing to eliminate paper copies of textbooks from their lives! Great mobile access.
Easy to use and great way to get the books you require quickly and far cheaper than physically buying the book.
VitalSource saves my wallet when purchasing/renting books! And they have tools that enhance the learning experience.